NHS Forest press kit
The NHS Forest is a network of healthcare sites working to transform their green space to realise its full potential for health, wellbeing and biodiversity, and to encourage engagement with nature. The initiative is run by the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, an independent UK charity, as part of its Green Space for Health Programme.
Since the NHS Forest was founded in 2009, more than 400 healthcare sites across the UK have joined our alliance. Over 130,000 trees have been planted on or near to healthcare estates thanks to our fully funded tree planting programme. Our tree planting in England is funded by the Trees Call to Action Fund and Nature for Climate Fund. Trees Call to Action was developed by Defra in partnership with the Forestry Commission and is being delivered by the Heritage Fund whilst Nature for Climate was developed by Defra with support from the Forestry Commission. We are also able to plant trees at healthcare sites in other parts of the UK as a result of the generosity of our many sponsors.
Like all forests, the NHS Forest comprises far more than just trees. Our sites have established a wide range of green spaces which offer multiple benefits to people and wildlife. These include:
- Peaceful gardens for staff and patients
- Woodlands and native wildflower meadows
- Allotments and orchards
- Nature-based play
- Outdoor rehabilitation and therapeutic activities
- Green Health Routes that link GP surgeries to local green spaces
Our current sponsorship programme will help to fund a wide range of green space improvements from wildflower meadows and benches to bat boxes and raised beds.
We have also helped healthcare sites to invest in the people needed to ensure these green space thrive. Our pilot Nature Recovery Rangers programme launched in spring 2021. Following its incredible success, we have had several rangers embedded in hospitals across the UK where they have expanded and enhanced green spaces, and encouraged staff and communities to engage with nature.
Email our Communications Manager una.devlin@sustainablehealthcare.org.uk to arrange:
- Interviews with our expert team on the links between green space and health, and our associated projects
- Interviews with our Nature Recovery Rangers and their hospital teams
- Interviews with representatives from our NHS Forest sites
- Visits to the sites
Downloads and multimedia
You can download high resolution logos and photos from our media library.
See a selection of short films about the NHS Forest.
Watch our 2023 online NHS Forest conference, on the theme of Trees and Woodlands on the NHS Estate.
Why is the NHS Forest important?
A growing body of evidence points to the benefits of access to green space for mental and physical health, including positive outcomes for:
- heart rates and blood pressure
- stress levels
- mood and self-esteem
- obesity
- type 2 diabetes
- post-operative recovery
- birth weight
- children’s cognitive development
- cardiovascular disease
- income-related health inequalities
Based on these benefits, in England alone, it has been calculated that the NHS could save an estimated £2.1 billion every year in treatment costs if everyone had access to good quality green space.
Note: References for all benefits and figures are published on our About us page
The NHS Forest and biodiversity
While woodland covers just over 13% of the UK’s land area, around half of this comprises non-native plantation trees. The NHS Forest supplies health sites with native species, which can be used to create woodlands, orchards and hedgerows – vital habitat for many at-risk wildlife species. Many NHS Forest sites have planted native, perennial wildflowers to support pollinators; this in turn can see the return of wildlife such as bats and house martins.
Programme staff
- Rachel Stancliffe: Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Founder and Director
- Liz Rees: Green Space for Health Programme Director
- Daniel Loveard: Green Space for Health Project Lead
- Harriet White: Woodland Creation and Tree Planting Project Manager
- Neil Ingram: Woodland Creation and Tree Planting Technical Officer
- Nick White: Nature Recovery Ranger (Liverpool Hospitals)
- Una Devlin: Green Space for Health Communications, Marketing & Engagement Lead
NHS Forest in the media
- The Daily Mail: How trees can heal: Research shows that patients looking at greenery from their hospital beds can cut the need for painkillers and even reduce post-op problems
- This is Local London: Planting Trees for the NHS
- The Guardian: Scottish GPs to begin prescribing rambling and birdwatching
- Newbury Today: Tiny Forest at West Berkshire Community Hospital a first for the NHS
- The Star: First-of-its-kind memorial forest created by Yorkshire Ambulance Service to remember Covid victims
“I think green spaces are very important in patient outcomes. It’s well known that just the thought of chemotherapy and the sight of the building can make some people nauseous. So knowing that you’ve got your friendly spaces, your areas that you can use outside of the hospital wards and corridors, is very important.”
– Pete Ostler, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre
“When I came here as a patient, the gardens, the green spaces really made me feel like there was a light at the end of the tunnel, because when you’re in a hospital environment, it’s very clinical, it’s quite scary. Being able to see some nature, some green spaces and even some flowers, makes the whole process a little bit softer and kinder. I think nature and the outside can have a real big effect during a patient’s journey; it certainly did for me.”
– Juliet Fitzpatrick, former patient at Mount Vernon Cancer Centre
“There are many great examples of work on biodiversity across the NHS, and I would like to highlight some of the great practice I have seen up and down the country. The NHS Forest initiative has led to over 77,000 trees already being planted across 200 different NHS organisation estates… I am keen to see more of this sort of action across the NHS.”
– Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP, former Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, in his open letter to all NHS trusts in England, 2021
Quotes in support of green spaces for health
“You don’t need to be the perfect climate conservationist; a love of our natural world and a belief that acting together to improve our environments is enough. A healthy environment is good for our mental and physical health. It is good for our families’ and our communities’ health…Putting it more bluntly — climate change is a medical emergency. As healthcare professionals we have a duty to promote sustainable practices and living.”
– Dr Jack Parry-Jones, consultant in adult intensive care
12% of people in the UK faced the pandemic with no outdoor space to call their own. As a species we have spent 99.9% of our history living and integrating with nature, and only very recently have we started to turn our backs on it. It’s time to reverse this trend and embrace our natural environment and green spaces ”
– Dr Richard Claxton, GP
“The benefits of green spaces are recognised as important determinants of public health. This is especially important in urban areas where inequalities in health outcomes exist. Working therapeutically outside, in a natural environment, can lead to an increased sense of belonging and wellbeing. It can also lead to greater shared ownership of the therapy space and freedom of expression.”
– Dr Sally Cox, Principal Clinical Psychologist
This project is funded by the Trees Call to Action Fund. The fund was developed by Defra in partnership with the Forestry Commission and is being delivered by the Heritage Fund.