This year we launched our first ever NHS Forest photo competition. We were delighted with the range and quality of the images and the amazing stories and insights that people shared with us. There were too many entries for us to share them all here, but here are some of the highlights for you to enjoy.
We were taken with how the photos show the variety and beauty of trees on the NHS estate throughout the seaons. Most of all we have loved seeing the connection that people feel for the trees on their healthcare sites
The winning image

We loved this incredible image taken by Sabrina Merolla at St Ann’s Hospital in London. Our judges loved the way it showed people connecting directly with trees and the excellent composition.
Sabrina shared some details about the image: “Friends of Stags (St Ann’s Hospital Green Spaces) was born in 2021 on the ashes of a previous grassroots group of residents and patients in the area of St Ann’s Hospital in South Tottenham, London. It aimed to protect the unique green spaces of the hospital, whose woodland is a Site of Interest to Nature Conservation (SINC). These pictures were taken inside the hospital Peace Garden in 2022 during some of Stags “Connect with Nature” events. Those events of re-connecting with the natural world and the healing power of our ancestors – the trees, mainly took participants through mindfulness, art and walks. All were open to past and present patients and local residents. Today the Peace Garden, inhabited by numerous rare and exotic trees – some nearly 100 years old, has been inaccessible for almost two years as it is inside a forbidden construction area. St Ann’s Hospital and Haringey Council had to sell half of the site to developers to save the hospital.”
The runner-up

Our runner-up shows just how incredible trees can look even in the depths of winter. Our judges enjoyed how atmospheric this image was and how it showed off the structure of the trees.
Roberto shared his thoughts about the image: “I took this photo in December 2022 just out of my office at the Royal National Oorthopaedic Hospital. I went out for a short walk and I was taken aback by the tree branches’ network highlighted by the snow.”
Notable mentions
Selecting the two winning images was a difficult job and we couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to share some of our other favourite images.